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the ultimate guide

 ultimativni vodič

Dr Aleksandar Despotović
WRITTEN BY: Dr. Aleksandar Despotović

Are you one of those who still hides a smile ? Is it that "shy smile" in the photos, or maybe you have too many half-profile pictures on Instagram? You don't want to show your teeth and you really want them to be flawless, and on the other hand you don't want to touch them , understandably.

One invention has made it possible for thousands of people like you to resolve this discrepancy and get a smile like a Hollywood celebrity. Buonucore's invention of extremely strong gluing (bonding) of ceramics to the tooth was a revolution in dentistry - the moment when a new era of modern dentistry began.

And thanks to that revolution, you can improve your smile either by just adding material or by minimally removing existing tooth substance. And - boom - now you know that you can solve the problem, you have solved it, and the positive psychological effects are immediately visible through the improvement of your image and self-esteem.

It could be said that a pleasant, harmonious and balanced smile is the cheapest form of plastic surgery to achieve rejuvenation.

magnifying glass

Pomozite drugima da saznaju više – delite ovu informaciju!

Is it time for a change?

Recognize the problem and solve it with facets.

Take a look in the mirror to see if any of your problems are among the following:

tetracycline tooth discoloration
magnifying glass 1

Extremely dark teeth, resistant to

Black triangles between the teeth
magnifying glass 7

Black triangles between teeth or overly visible gums?

jaka abrazija zuba
magnifying glass 4

Short, stubby, worn, "eaten" teeth

wedge teeth and diastemas between teeth
magnifying glass 3

Narrow teeth with spaces between them (diastemas)

fracture or wear of teeth
magnifying glass 2

Broken, broken
or ishaban

vampirski očnjaci
magnifying glass 6

You have a vampire fang :)

If you recognize yourself in the pictures above, the good news for you is that you too can have a Holwood smile and it can be done with maximum preservation of the tooth substance, i.e. without "grinding in a circle", and sometimes it is possible without any grinding at all.

What are ceramic veneers?

magnifying glass 5

You have teeth that you don't like in shape and-or triangular black spaces between the teeth 

in Serbia they are known as facets , in Croatia as flakes , in the West they are known as veneers .

The name facet comes from the French term for a small face and means a small surface , while the English term vinir (veneer) comes from the German word veneer, which means a thin coating .

Now it is already clear to you that ceramic veneers are thin flakes made of special dental ceramics - porcelain, which are glued to the outer surfaces of the teeth using special technology and materials. This changes the shape, color and position of the teeth. In this way, a superior natural aesthetic is achieved, and if the patient wishes, it is possible to go for a deliberately more artificial and unnatural look, everything depends on the patient's desire and "style". :)

ceramic dental veneers

Thin, but strong?


Similar to how the enamel and dentin of teeth are 2 different materials and behave monolithically and cannot be separated, so the ceramic veneer behaves as part of the system, contributing to the rigidity of the tooth .

(Because it additionally strengthens the tooth, some well-known authors advise that, after joining the separate parts of the broken tooth, the two fragments are additionally strengthened by gluing a veneer over the outer part of both joined tooth fragments.)

This is possible thanks to the aforementioned Buoncore's invention of the technique of extremely strong gluing (bonding) of ceramic veneers for natural enamel . Different dental ceramics have different degrees of strength, but even the weakest ceramics can be compared to glass - which in itself is relatively easy to break, but if the glass is glued to the wall, it takes on the characteristics of the wall itself.

Ceramics is also a material resistant to color change , because it is not permeable to food pigments.

Because of all this, veneers last longer than fillings. One study showed that veneers lasted as long as 20 years!

Kako osigurati dug vek trajanja keramičkih faseta?

Nekoliko faktora mogu uticati na životni vek keramičkih faseta. Pogledajmo detaljnije šta može uticati na njihovu dugotrajnost:


  • Jačina veze fasete sa gleđi je jača od one sa dentinom, dakle poželjno je da bude što više gleđi nakon minimalnog brušenja, u suprotnom razmislite o krunicama.

  • Keramičke fasete traju puno duže od kompozitnih faseta jer se ne troše pri žvakanju i ne primaju boju. Ove druge su malo jeftinije. I keramičke fasete se razlikuju po tipu keramike.

  • Oralna higijena. Dobra oralna higijena svakako da znači. Pravilno četkanje zuba 2x dnevno i korišćenje zubnog konca ili interdentalnih četkica produžava vek faseta. Takođe su važno dolaziti na redovne kontrole i čišćenja svakih 6 meseci.

  • Ako trenirate kontaktni sport, napravite zaštitni splint za zube (sports moutguard)

  • Ako stiskate ili škrgućete zubima dok spavate, vršićete veliki pritisak na fasete. Preporučuje se izrada zaštitnih splintova za bruksizam i njihovo noćno nošenje.

  • Ne koristite zube za otvaranje stvari koje ne možete da otvorite rukama ili drugim alatima.

  • Oprezno sa hranom. Izbegavajte hranu poput tvrdih slatkiša, leda ili orašastog voća. Pazite na viljuške i koščice voća.

What are the stages of making veneers

and how to know the appearance of new teeth in advance?


We take initial photos, a digital impression of the teeth and pre-plan the design of the teeth in the software. A test of the future smile in the mouth can also be done in an intermediate visit, even before the start of grinding.


We grind the teeth minimally, only as much as is necessary for the thickness of the veneer (under local anesthesia). Sometimes it is not necessary to brush your teeth. Let's take a print.


We cement the veneers.

digital smile design
Preparation of teeth for veneers
Placing a dental veneer

Orthodontic teeth straightening and/or teeth whitening are often done first in preparation for making veneers.

Treatment with ceramic veneers:

Should you worry about pain?

No. Grinding is often only in the most superficial layer of the tooth - in the enamel , and it does not have nerve endings for pain .

Sometimes sanding is not even necessary .

If necessary, we give local anesthesia , so the preparation for veneers is completely painless.

How much do ceramic veneers cost?

Terms of payment

and comparative analysis with foreign countries

In the BELLE DENT dental office, the price of ceramic veneers is from 200 to 250 euros per tooth , depending on the type of ceramic.

We are flexible , so you can pay in arrears by credit card, check or administrative ban on salary.

For the sake of comparison, the price of ceramic veneers abroad is from $500 to $2,500 per tooth, and that is why many foreign dental tourists contact us.

Using Mobile Phones


Dental veneers before and after 1
Dental veneers before and after 2
Happy Family
Platite za stomatološku uslugu na rate!

Flexible payment –

no worries about costs!

Don't worry if you can't pay everything right away.

If you are employed for an indefinite period or are a pensioner,

we offer you the option of paying in installments through an administrative ban .

All you need is to get our form, get it certified by your company or pension fund - and that's it!

Use yours

health insurance !

Pay for the dental service through the Wiener Staedtische health insurance!

Ako imate Wiener Städtische zdravstveno osiguranje, možemo vam pomoći da svoje stomatološke tretmane pokrijete policom osiguranja.
Jednostavno nas kontaktirajte da zakažemo termin,a zatim pozovite
njihov call centar kako biste aktivirali vašu polisu.

Pay for dental services by card!

Easy card payment

for your dental services!

Satisfied clients

For every recommendation! If you haven't found your dentist, I highly recommend it! Professionalism, kindness, availability, skill, knowledge. No mistake.

Knowledgable, considerate and gentle, dr. Despotovic keeps providing top quality services to my family and me. From braces to crowns, all of his interventions resulted in durable and comfortable fixes. My 4-year old son went out smiling after his first experience with the "drill", dr. Despotovic worked him over like a charm. Price-performance ratio: unbeatable!

Excellent dental office, top service, high quality.

Jelena Živković Ex Ilić

Facebook review

Dino Pasalic

Google maps review

Ivan Božanić

Google maps review

Free consultations
for facets:
digital tooth impression and
test smile in software

Contact us

Gandijeva 114a, New Belgrade

(+381) 062.200.711

Veneers for teeth

Veneers for teeth - ceramic

  • Free first examination for ceramic veneers

  • Free trial smile design in software

  • The preparation is minimal and painless

  • High aesthetics, function and durability

Your smile is our mission. don't wait,
reserve yours
free preview now!

Gandijeva 114a, New Belgrade


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